Generation, regulation and function of morphology in Leishmania and Trypanosoma: supplementary material
Wheeler R.
Supplementary: Script 1 Script 1 – HTIAoT.txt (text/plain) Automated image analysis scripts (for use in ImageJ) for colour deconvolution and automated analysis of colour deconvolved images of kinetoplastids. These are in the form of seven separate tools: image setup, measurement of chromatic aberration, correction of chromatic aberration, measurement of K/N signal, colour deconvolution, K/N counting and summarising the K/N count results. Supplementary: Table 1 Table 1 - Trypanosoma.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet) Morphologies of diverse Trypanosoma species. Complete data set of Trypanosoma morphologies and their references and host erythrocyte dimensions. Supplementary: Table 2 Table 2 - Erythrocytes.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet) Host erythrocyte morphologies. Complete data set of host erythrocyte dimensions and their references. Supplementary: Table 3 Table 3 - Promastiote-like.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet) Morphologies of diverse promastigote-like species. Complete data set of non-Trypanosoma Trypanosomatid morphologies and their references. Supplementary: Video 1 Video 1 - Time-lapse Division Compressed.avi (video/x-msvideo) Time-lapse of individual L. mexicana cells progressing through the cell cycle. Videomontage of four cells progressing through the cell cycle from time-lapse observation of L. mexicana cells immobilised in small fluid pockets in agarose. Still frames from cells 2 and 4 are shown in Figure 15. The four videos were realigned in time so all cells progress through the cell cycle approximately synchronously. Scale bar represents 10 μm. Supplementary: Video 2 Video 2 - Leishmania Uptake Compressed.avi (video/x-msvideo) Dynamics of flagellum disassembly in macrophages visualised with SMP::eGFP::TY. Videomicrograph of native eGFP and rhodamine-dextran fluorescence from a time-lapse videomicrograph of a single BMDM infected with promastigote L. mexicana SMP::eGFP::TY. Still frames are shown in Figure 33. Times indicates time since addition of promastigotes to the BMDMs. Scale bar represents 20 μm. Supplementary material to: Richard Wheeler, (2012). Generation, regulation and function of morphology in Leishmania and Trypanosoma. DPhil. University of Oxford. Available at: